WordPress Blog
Dickinson hosts it’s own installation of WordPress MU (Multi User) and any class can choose to have a blog set up for their students to blog. Wordpress is a very user friendly platform and most people easily adapt to using the program quickly. Each person’s posts can be track for grading purposes and the platform is well suited to help engage dialogue inside and outside of the classroom. It can be open for the public to view or closed down so only the students within the course can read the content of the posts.
This session consists of walking the students through the process of logging into the system and posting at least one test post to get accustom to the software.
Faculty & Students
Instructor Led-Hands on
30-45 Minutes-In Class Time
- Learn location of class blog
- Receive account information to login
- Learn basics of posting, uploading media, & commenting
- Post first post to blog
Want to know more? Contact mediacenter at dickinson.edu to set up a consultation. You can also get a sneak peek of what we cover in our training by looking over our Training Outline.