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Language Support

Language Support


Todd Bryant is our language technology specialist.  His office is in Bosler 005, and he would be happy to discuss integrating any of academic technology’s resources into your language course including language exchanges, blogs, podcasts, and video projects.


If you are interested in having your students practice via Zoom as part of a language exchange, site can connect your students during or outside of class with a native speaker.

Blogging and Multimedia Projects

Many language classes have used blogs as a way for students to write and reflect outside of class.  You can get some ideas by looking at blogs from Professor Duperron's .  For those interested in having students produce multimedia projects, courses have combined blogging with these projects as well.  They vary from audio only files, to a combination of still images with audio to full video productions.  An example is the blog from a course by Professor Bates that creates a welcome guide for visiting Japanese students, with each student describing their in town


PC, PS3, PS4, XBox, XBox 1 and Wii games are available in foreign languages in the Media Center.  Students can check a key out from the media center to access the video game consoles and games.  Stop by to see the complete list of game.  For PC games, there are labels by each machine.   There are also several games available in most European languages for the Oculus Rift, located in the Maker Space area of the Media Center.


The two labs in Bosler Hall, the basement microroom and room 209, both have specialized language learning software.

  • Proofing Tools for Word - Includes spell and grammar check.  Available on the Mac and Windows side of the machines in both labs, though the grammar check is generally better on the Windows side.
  • Antidote - Spelling and grammar checker with reference guides for French.  Also available on both sides of the machines in each lab.  On Windows, it is available from within MS Word.  For OSX, it is a separate program available in Applications.


Language learners can find language resources on the web at .  Our language technologist also adds resources via his Diigo feed at , , etc.  You can also follow Todd on Twitter at and .