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Study Abroad

Dickinson in France: Toulouse

Psychology Study Abroad in France

Dickinson in France is a language-intensive program designed for students with mastery of French. Students have the opportunity to improve their spoken and written French through courses and individual tutoring at Dickinson’s own facility in Toulouse and to study a wide variety of subjects, including psychology, the social sciences, humanities and the physical sciences.

Most psychology majors studying in Toulouse take two psychology courses at Universite de Toulouse, Le Mirail, plus two courses at the Dickinson Study Center. On occasion, majors take psychology courses at Institut Catholique de Toulouse. Students in the Toulouse program live with French host families who are carefully matched with students for compatibility. These hosts open their homes and their tables so that students may discover French culture through their daily life. Excursions to numerous historic and cultural sites around Toulouse are components of the orientation program each semester, and the program also includes a four-day excursion to Paris.

Dickinson in France: Universite de Toulouse, Le Mirail  

UTM Course Number Course Title (English/French) Dickinson Course Equivalent/Course Credit
PY0001X History of Psychology/Psycho d'hier à aujourd'hui 1 PSYC 185/1
PY0005X History of Psychology/Psycho d'hier à aujourd'hui 2 PSYC 185/1
PY0008X Developmental Psychology/ Psychologie du développement PSYC 155/1
PY0009X Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology I/ Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie I PSY 165/1
PY0011X *Experimental Social Psychology/L'enquête par questionnaire en Sciences Humaines et Sociales PSY 380/.5
PY0012X Social Psychology I/ Psychologie Sociale I PSY 140/1
PY0013X Cognitive Psychology I/ Psychologie cognitive I PSY 130/1
PY0014X Psychophysiology/ Psychophysiologie PSY 180/1
PY0015X *Experimental Social Psychology/L'observation en Sciences Humaines et Sociales PSY 380/.5
PY0016AX Cognitive Psychology 2/ Psychologie cognitive 2 PSY 430/1
PY0016BX Social Psychology 2/ Psychologie Sociale 2 PSY 440/1
PY0117X Applied Social Psychology/Psychologie sociale appliquée PSY 480/1
PY0118X Assessment in Psychol0gy/L'évaluation en psychologie PSY 480/1
PY0119X *Maintenance in Social Psychology/L'entretien en Sciences Humaines et Sociales PSY 380/.5
PY0120X Developmental Psychology 2/ Psychologie du développement 2 PSY 480/1
PY0121X Developmental Psychology of the Child and its Surroundings/Psychologie du développement de l'enfant et ses milieux de vie PSY 480/1
PY0122X Experimental Psychology: Intervention process and experiments/Démarche d'intervention du psychologue et tech d'expériment. PSY 380/1
PY0206X *Introduction to Neuroscience/ Neuroscience 1 PSY 180/.5
PY0217X Industrial Psychology/Ergonomie : approche et analyse des situations de travail PSY 480/1
PY0218X Neuroscience 2/ Neuroscience 2 PSY 425/1
PY0220X Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology 2/ Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie 2 PSY 465/1
PY0221X Cognitive Psychology: Everyday Cognition/La cognition au quotidien PSY 430/1
PY0222X Psychology Statistics, Methodology, and Measurements/Psycho : Méthodologie - Statistiques, Mesurages 3 PSY 480/1
PY0317X Gerontological Psychology: Culture and Aging/Culture et vieillissement: psychoculturelle et psychogéronto PSY 480/1
PY0321X Clinical Psychology: Psychpathology and Psychoanalysis/Psycho clinique et psychopathologie psychanalytique PSY 480/1
PY0417X Emotions and Communication/Emotions et communication PSY 480/1
PY0421X Social Psychology: The Group, Objectives and Means of Intervention/Psychologie social: Le groupe, objet et moyen d'intervention PSY 480/1
PY0517X Health Psychology I/ Psychologie de la santé PSY 480/1
PY0521X Clinical Psychology: Development of Psychopathology/Psychopathologie du dévt et psychologie de l'adaptation PSY 455/1

Psychology courses offered on the UTM program (whether courses are listed here or not) will be counted as Dickinson courses’ and grades received for these courses will be factored into the student’s Dickinson GPA

* Half credit courses cannot transfer to Dickinson as such. You can combine one half credit course with another half credit course of the same Dickinson course number which will then transfer as a full credit course with that course number. For example, a half credit PSY180(2) can be combined with another half credit PSY180(2) to transfer as a full credit PSY180(2). Or a half credit PSY380 can be combined with another half credit PSY380 to transfer as a full credit PSY380. And so on. Please see Prof. Ford if you have any questions about how the half credit courses might or might not transfer.

Notes on the Universite de Toulouse, Le Mirail (UTM), psychology program:

  1. Students may take more than one PSYC 180 course at UTM. Courses noted as PSYC 180(1) fulfill the 100-level Group 1 requirement, courses noted as PSYC 180(2) fulfill the 100-level Group 2 requirement, and courses noted as PSYC 180(3) fulfill the 100-level Group 3 requirement.
  2. Students may take more than one PSYC 480 course at UTM, but only one of each upper-level course will transfer back as fulfilling psychology major requirements starting with students enrolling as first year students at Dickinson in fall 2022.
  3. Because differences exist in offerings between institutions, students are advised to choose psychology courses from the above pre-approved list.While other courses at UTM may be worthwhile and may complement a student's study of psychology, they will not typically transfer for credit as a psychology course. If a student chooses to take a course that has not been pre-approved, that student must request course approval from the Department of Psychology. The student should provide course syllabi, course descriptions, and samples of assignments in order for the Department to determine whether or not the student should receive Psychology credit for that course. Questions about Psychology course credit should be directed to Prof. Ford.

Dickinson in France: Institut Catholique de Toulouse

French students who study psychology at ICT follow a very proscribed sequence of courses. That sequence includes taking several half-credit courses plus some full-credit courses all at the same time. To experience psychology as an ICT psychology major would, Dickinson students should take a series of courses, all from the same level, that total three credits. 

ICT Course Number

Course Title (English/French

Dickinson Course Equivalent/Course Credit

Fall Semester – Level 1:



General psychology/Psychologie générale

PSYC 185/1.0



PSYC 180(1)/ 1.0


*Clinical psychology/Psychologie clinique

PSYC 180(2)/.5


*University methodology/Méthodologie du travail universitaire

PSYC 180/.5


*Research techniques in psychology/Techniques de recherché en Psychologie

PSYC 180/.5

Fall Semester – Level 2:



Clinical psychology and psychopathology/Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie

PSYC 180(2)/1.0


Social psychology/Psychologie sociale

PSYC 140/1.0


*Developmental psychology/Psychologie du développement

PSYC 180(2)/.5



PSYC 180/.5


*Research techniques in psychology/Techniques de recherché en Psychologie

PSYC 180/.5

Fall Semester – Level 3:



*Developmental psychology/Psychologie du développement

PSYC 180(2)/ .5


*Clinical psychology and psychopathology/Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie

PSYC 180(2)/.5


Social psychology/Psychologie sociale

PSYC 180(3)/ 1.0



PSYC 180/.5


*Research techniques in psychology/Techniques de recherché en Psychologie

PSYC 180/.5

Spring Semester – Level 1



Cognitive psychology/Psychologie cognitive

PSYC 180(1)/ 1.0


*Social psychology/Psychologie sociale

PSYC 180(3)/ .5


*Developmental psychology/Psychologie du développement

PSYC 180(2)/ .5



PSYC 180/ .5

Spring Semester – Level 2



*Psychotherapeutic practices/Pratiques psychothérapeutiques

PSYC 180(2)/.5



PSYC 480/1.0


Cognitive psychology/Psychologie cognitive

PSYC 180(1)/1.0



PSYC 180/.5

Spring Semester – Level 3



*Cognitive psychology/Psychologie cognitive

PSYC 480/.5



PSYC 480/.5


*Computer statistics/Statistiques sur informatique

PSYC 180/.5


*Psychometrics of children and adults/Psychométrie de l'enfant et de l'adulte

PSYC 180(2)/.5


*Philosophical aspects of care/ Aspects philosophiques des soins

PSYC 180(2)/.5


*Legal aspects of care/Aspects juridiques des soins

PSYC 180(2)/ .5

Psychology courses offered on the ICT program (whether courses are listed here or not) will be counted as Dickinson courses’ and grades received for these courses will be factored into the student’s Dickinson GPA

* Half credit courses cannot transfer to Dickinson as such. You can combine one half credit course with another half credit course of the same Dickinson course number which will then transfer as a full credit course with that course number. For example, a half credit PSY180(2) can be combined with another half credit PSY180(2) to transfer as a full credit PSY180(2). Or a half credit PSY380 can be combined with another half credit PSY380 to transfer as a full credit PSY380. And so on. Please see Prof. Ford if you have any questions about how the half credit courses might or might not transfer.

Notes on the Institut Catholique de Toulouse (ICT) psychology program:

  1. Students who complete both level 1 and level 2 of Cognitive Psychology (P21A and P41C) will receive credit for PSYC 130.
  2. Students who complete both level 1 and level 2 of Developmental Psychology (P21C and P31C) will receive credit for PSYC 155.
  3. Students who complete P11C Clinical Psychology, P41A Psychotherapeutic Practices, and P51B Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology will receive credit for PSYC 165.
  4. Students may take more than one PSYC 180 course at ICT. Courses noted as PSYC 180(1) fulfill the 100-level Group 1 requirement, courses noted as PSYC 180(2) fulfill the 100-level Group 2 requirement, and courses noted as PSYC 180(3) fulfill the 100-level Group 3 requirement.
  5. Students may take more than one PSYC 480 course at ICT, but only one of each upper-level course will transfer back as fulfilling psychology major requirements starting with students enrolling as first year students at Dickinson in fall 2022.
  6. Because differences exist in offerings between institutions, students are advised to choose psychology courses from the above pre-approved list. While other courses at ICT may be worthwhile and may complement a student's study of psychology, they will not typically transfer for credit as a psychology course. If a student chooses to take a course that has not been pre-approved, that student must request course approval from the Department of Psychology. The student should provide course syllabi, course descriptions, and samples of assignments in order for the Department to determine whether or not the student should receive Psychology credit for that course. Questions about Psychology course credit should be directed to Prof. Ford.