Application Instructions for Support
Please follow these procedures when applying for support from R&D. These are only general guidelines. For requirements specific to the type of support, see the individual program to which you are applying. Click on the "Deadlines" menu button to check specific dates that applications are due.
Also, please read the information on the Eligibility page.
Go to Travel to Conference Instructions if you are requesting support to present a paper at a conference. Please also see Financial Operations Travel Guideline and sales tax exemption information.
Go directly to the Application Forms. Please note that program guidelines and general, as well as specific, application instructions may have changed since you last looked at them.
Fill out cover sheet (application) (see Application Forms):
Proposal Narrative: Write a brief (not more than 2-3 pages) description of the project. This description should include:
- comprehensible to non-specialists in your field
- nature of the problem or opportunity and goals for the project
- project plan: methodology, research design, strategy
- timeline (schedule of the project)
- anticipated outcome of the project and how it is to be evaluated
Prepare budget: Prepare a one-page budget for the project using the budget worksheet included with the application.
Additional Required Approvals:
- IACUC. Any proposal involving research using vertebrate animals, must also be submitted to the Dickinson Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). See (IACUC) Guidelines.
- IRB. Any proposals involving research using human subjects must also be submitted to the ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app Institutional Review Board as indicated in the IRB Guidelines
- IBC. Any proposal involving research requiring the use of recombinant DNA technology and infectious agents must also be submitted to the ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app Institutional Biosafety Committee. See IBC website.
Curriculum Vitae: You are also required to submit a 4-page (maximum) single-spaced C.V. (For travel to a conference a C.V. is not required)
Submit before deadline: Submit these materials to R&D before the appropriate deadline. (Forms and Proposal as E-mail attachments to the R&D Committee. Enter "R&D PROPOSAL" in subject line; attach only Word and Excel documents and not PDF's, please! For office use only, we typically need to be able to add information to these documents. Send to