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Faculty Travel to Present

What is Faculty Travel to Present?

The College provides funding for faculty to attend professional conferences to present scholarly and/or creative work. The goal of these grants is to assist in meeting the cost of participation at a conference.

(Another funding program known as "Dean's Faculty Conference Fund"--formerly known as 1% funds  supports faculty attendance at professional conferences when not presenting research.)

How are these projects supported?

R&D supports faculty presentation at professional conferences or comparable presentations of creative work. Typically non-presenting roles are not supported, unless the applicant can make the case that there is significant intellectual contribution or materials prepared in advance, and these can be approved on a case by case basis.

Travel funds in the amount of $2,200 are available to be used for traveling to present per academic year.

Requests for multiple presentations of the same paper or multiple authors presenting at the same conference will be supported only if funding is available at the time of the request.

What expenses are funded?
The College will fund only the following expenses:

  1. Round-trip transportation to the conference site, including associated expenses, such as college fleet vehicles, mileage to and from the airport, tolls en route, parking, airport to hotel transport. Car mileage is reimbursed at the College's standard rate.
  2. Conference registration (typically not including membership fees; however, membership fees may be allowable for all-virtual conferences)
  3. Lodging and meals.  

What expenses are not funded?

  1. Alcohol
  2. Sales tax
  3. Lodging for conferences less than 75 miles from your home.
  4. Membership Fees not required for conference registration.

Special application instructions for just this program:

  1. Use  the Application for R&D Support to Travel and Present a Paper at a Conference. For planning purposes, the R&D committee requires that you apply in advance of your trip and applications must be submitted no less than a month before the scheduled trip. We encourage you to apply as soon as your trip is confirmed to assist you and the committee in planning.  Applications submitted after a trip will not be considered.
  2. Attach documentation proving you have been invited to present (e.g. letter or email of invitation).
  • The application, backup documents, and award letter are kept in our R&D Files.
  • Approval prior to the trip is required for the R&D Committee's budget planning (with estimated expenses on the application- which can be adjusted after trip).
  • After the travel award is approved, the “R&D Detail Worksheet/Expense Form” is used for submission to Financial Operations (reconciled with receipts) for processing the reimbursement. Click on "Expense Reporting" menu button for instructions on the R&D expense form. Request for reimbursement must be made within 30 days of return from the trip.

Special reporting requirements for International Travel:

The college maintains global travel insurance coverage, which provides global medical health insurance as well as services like medical evacuation and repatriation, travel assistance such as a lost luggage benefit, and security evacuation coverage. Please notify Kristen Chirillo at least three weeks in advance of your travel to be sure that coverage is available for your location. To request coverage, please visit the Compliance & Enterprise Risk Management page and fill in the international travel insurance request form. If a student is traveling with you, please make sure that they complete a request as well. 

Special reporting requirements for just this program:

After your trip, please submit to the R&D Committee.

Website to look up exchange rates

Financial Operations Travel Guidelines and Tax Exempt Forms