Kaufman Hall Room 133
Dr. Thibodeau uses isotopic measurements to decipher both the geologic and human past. In particular, she applies metal isotopes (Pb, Sr, Hg, U-Pb) as both tracers and chronometers of earth surface process and to questions of provenance, especially in archaeology. Her current and past research areas include: the fate and source(s) of trace metals (e.g., lead and mercury) in the environment, links between massive volcanism and mass extinctions in the geologic record, and determining the age of past fluid migration within potential repositories for nuclear waste. She also applies isotopic tracers to identify or constrain the geologic sources of minerals, metals, and ceramics found in the archaeological record. To date, much of her work has focused on using isotopes to reconstruct the mining and exchange of turquoise by pre-hispanic groups in both the Southwest United States and Mexico.
GEOS 151 Foundations of Earth Sciences
How do mountains and oceans form? Why do the positions of continents shift? Can rocks bend or flow? What is the history of life on our planet? This course explores the materials that make up the Earth and the processes that shape it, both at and below the surface. Students will take field trips around the Carlisle area as well as complete analytical and computer laboratory activities in order to acquire basic field, laboratory, and computer modelling skills. This course serves as a gateway to the Earth Sciences major, but is also appropriate for non-majors. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.
GEOS 322 Archaeological Geology
This course will explore archaeological questions and problems from the perspective of the Earth Sciences. In particular, the course will focus on the use of geological and geochemical methods for establishing the age of archaeological sites, reconstructing past environments, tracing human migration and movements, and evaluating the geological provenance of artifacts. Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and discuss them in the context of past and current debates within the field of archaeology. Previous coursework in earth sciences, chemistry, or archaeology is beneficial.
GEOS 560 Investigation of Trace Metals
GEOS 560 Senior Capstone Research
GEOS 560 Trace metals in millpond legac
GEOS 560 Tracing Puebloan Glaze Sources
GEOS 321 Isotope Geochemistry
Major analytical advancements in the past two decades have revolutionized the field of isotope geochemistry and made isotopic measurements more widely available than ever before. This course will introduce students to both stable and radiogenic isotope systems and help them develop a quantitative understanding of both radioactive decay and isotopic fractionation. With the knowledge of how isotopic variations arise in nature, we will survey the use of isotopic tracers and chronometers in a variety of disciplines including: the earth and environmental sciences, archaeology, and biology. We will also examine some emerging applications of isotopic tools such as their role in tracing the trade of illegal drugs, identifying the origins of deceased migrants in border regions, revealing food sources and adulteration, and biomedicine. Prerequisite: One CHEM course or permission of instructor.