Tome Scientific Building Room 233
His recent research is in the application of the theory of meaningfulness in measurement theory to graph colorings, in particular, list and T-colorings.
MATH 170 Single Variable Calculus
The study of real-valued functions, including transcendental functions, limits, derivatives and their applications, the definition of the Riemann integral, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.Three hours of classroom and one and a half hour of lab per week. Prerequisite: 151 or departmental placement. Offered every semester.
MATH 301 Graph Theory
Graph theory is the mathematical study of networks. Applications of graph theory can be found in the arts, the humanities, the social sciences, the laboratory sciences, and, of course, mathematics. This course will introduce the basic terminology and results of graph theory; teach students how to construct rigorous arguments and useful examples. Specific topics will include Euler and Hamiltonian circuits, matching, connectivity and network flows, graph colorings, and algorithms. Particular attention will be paid to applications.
MATH 270 Integration & Infinite Series
The study of methods of integration, applications of the integral, elementary differential equations, and infinite sequences and series.Prerequisite: 171 or departmental placement. Offered every spring.
MATH 351 Abstract Algebra
An introduction to axiomatic formalism using algebraic structures as paradigms. Topics chosen from groups, rings, and fields. Prerequisite: 262. Offered every spring.