Professor Helweg-Larsen’s research is in the areas of social psychology, health psychology and cross-cultural psychology – specifically why smart people do dumb thing and how to make them stop. She is currently examining how smokers react to being stigmatized.
PSYC 211 Design of Psychological Resrch
Completion of both PYSC 210 and PSYC 211 fulfills the WID requirement.
PSYC 440 Seminar in Social Psychology
In this advanced seminar, we read and discuss primary sources in theoretical or applied social psychology focusing on a specific topic. Topics have in the past included theories of stigmatization, perceived risk, or social influence and applications of social psychology principles in law, medicine, or mental health. Students will develop their understanding of the topic by reading and writing about primary sources, by participating in and leading class discussions, and by researching a specific topic which is presented in written papers and class presentations. Prerequisites: PSYC 210 & 211.
PSYC 140 Social Psychology
Humans are “the social animal” because our beliefs, our brains, and our physical environments are profoundly shaped by our social context, often without us realizing it. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the field of social psychology - the scientific study of how our thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of other people. We will discuss topics such as the self, conformity and obedience, social cognition and information processing, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination, social influence, romantic relationships, and helping behavior. You will learn how research in social psychology can explain everyday events in your own lives and around the world and how it can help to better human existence.