Photo by Joe O'Neill.
Dear Dickinsonians,
Thank you for partnering, investing and innovating with us through your philanthropy. By giving to the endowment, you are truly building a foundation for the future. Your investment not only makes an impact each year on the area of the college most meaningful to you, but it also increases
in value year over year, enabling your impact to grow.
The beauty and power of an endowed gift is that it is never truly spent. It is never diminished. Your gift will never stop making an impact on students who go on to make an impact on the world. That means that your gift is a permanent partnership with the college that impacts every generation of Dickinsonians—today, tomorrow and beyond.
In addition to fulfilling our mission in the classroom, on campus and abroad, one of Dickinson’s key responsibilities in that partnership is the sound financial management you’ve read about in this report. As you’ve seen, careful budgeting and savvy investment strategies ensure that your philanthropy has the most impact possible. And maximizing the impact of your
philanthropy has never been more important. As we move forward with the Campaign for Scholarships: Change a Life—Change the World, endowed giving will be increasingly crucial to the college and the future. With roughly $47 million raised so far, we are 63% toward our goal of providing a scholarship to every student who needs one. Keep in mind, our progress here is about much more than dollars. We’re talking about 75 new permanently endowed scholarships and financial-aid support for more than 1,800 current students. The true impact of this effort isn’t measured in dollar signs; it’s measured in lives—lives changed by donors and lives changed by the students who go on to graduate thanks to donor support. That’s why completing this campaign is critical to the future.
Additionally, as we seek to fulfill President Jones’ vision of growing the endowment to $1 billion, your gifts will be increasingly critical. If you look at our endowment growth over the last decade, new gifts have played just as much—if not more—of a role in the endowment’s growth as investment returns have, and that’s what will enable us to continue to rise among the ranks of the world’s best—and wealthiest—higher-education institutions.
The endowment represents the most essential and permanent partnership between the college and our donors. It is the way donors most fundamentally collaborate with the college to create a level of permeant excellence in our operations—to forever align your vision, passion and values with Dickinson’s mission. So it’s fitting that these are goals that we can only reach together.
Thank you, once again, for your philanthropy. I’m eager to work with you to continue to move Dickinson forward. If you have any questions about new ways to partner with Dickinson, or if you want to know more about the impact of your giving, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by calling 800-543-3809 or emailing forward@dickinson.edu.