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Cogan Alumni Fellowship

Eleanor Cogan

Eleanor Cogan

Each spring, the English department invites a graduate back to campus to share life and work experiences with current students and to reacquaint him- or herself with programs in the department and at the college. The program is named in honor of Eleanor Cogan, who was recognized at Commencement in May 1999 for her extraordinary commitment to lifelong learning and to the study of English literature. Eleanor received an honorary doctor of letters during Dickinson's 2003 Commencement.

She received her master's degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1932; after a career in science and as a homemaker and mother, she returned to Dickinson as a continuing education student in the fall of 1979. Eleanor Cogan passed away in December 2011 at the amazing age of 102. After her retirement as a research chemist, Eleanor took 52 courses at Dickinson, 32 in the English department. We honor her extraordinary commitment to lifelong learning and to the study of English literature.

Go to the Cogan Alumni Fellows page for a list of our past visiting English majors.