Mary Moser (1950-1996)
Mary Moser (1950-1996) was a remarkable scholar and teacher of Classical Studies and Archaeology tragically lost to her family, her colleagues and her college in the middle of a fine career as teacher and scholar. She was an outstanding graduate of Dickinson, majoring in Latin, winning the Mervin Grant Filler Memorial Prize in classical languages, and being named Outstanding Senior Woman. She worked as Assistant Director of Admissions at Dickinson and administrator of the American Research Institute in Turkey. She went on to graduate school in Classical Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania and was awarded her PhD in 1982. She returned to Dickinson in 1982 as an assistant professor teaching Latin, Greek, and Archaeology. For 14 years, she was an outstanding teacher both on campus and in study-travel endeavors in Italy and Britain, winning along the way the Ganoe Award for Inspirational Teaching and the Dickinson Award for Distinguished Teaching. On June 27, 1996, Mary Moser died in Carlisle following a long and valiant battle against cancer.
8th Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2018
"The Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem - Unrevealing its Chronological Episodes"
Professor Nikos Zacharias, Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management, University of Peloponnese, Greece
7th Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2017
"Dectection and Mapping of Buried Antiquities by Geophysical Prospection in Archaeological Research and Cultural Heritage Preservation"
Dr. Gregory Tsokas, Professor of Exploration Geophysics, Laboratory of Exploration Geophysics, Department of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
6th Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2016
"A Public Engagement Project in a Minoan Peak Sanctuary"
Evangelos Kyriakidis, Senior Lecturer of Aegean Prehistory, University of Kent
5th Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2015
"Classical Studies Revisited: Creating the Digital Cast of the Ancient World" Angelos Barmpoutis, Ph.D., Director of the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology project, Digital Worlds Institute, University of Florida and Eleni Bozia, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology project, Department of Classics, University of Florida
4th Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2012
"Dionysos at Delphi: Topography as an Index of Winter on Attic Red-Figured Vases" Jennifer Udell, Curator of University Art, Fordham University
3rd Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2010
"O-WI-DE-A-RO-U-RA: Looking for Palace-administerd Agriculture around the Mycenaean Stronghold of Gla" Michael Franklin Lane, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland/Maryland Institute College of Art
2nd Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2009
"The Royal Workshops at Mycenae Revisited: The production of stone artifact" Heidi Dierckx, Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Elmira College
1st Mary Moser Memorial Lecture - 2006
"Chrysokamino: an Early Minoan Copper Smelting Workshop on Crete" Philip Betancourt, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Art History and Archaeology at Temple University, Adjunct Professor of the History of Art at Penn, Director of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory