Health Care Flexible Spending Account
A healthcare FSA allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for out-of-pocket health, dental or vision expenses that are not covered, or are only partially covered, under the College’s plans, including plan deductibles and co-payments, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and medicines, menstrual care products, eyeglasses and frames, orthodontia and uncovered expenses by spouses or other eligible family members who may be covered by a non-ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app medical plan. Your contributions are deducted from your pay before taxes are withheld. Effective July 1, 2024, full-time employees may contribute up to $3,200 per year ($3,050 per year since July 1, 2023), but you should plan your contributions carefully based on predictable medical, dental and vision expenses, because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that any money left unclaimed in your account at the end of the plan year's "grace period" be forfeited. Please also note that some types of medical expenses, e.g., cosmetic surgery, vitamins (even if recommended by a physician), and certain other expenses are not reimbursable expenses under IRS rules concerning FSA’s.
Eligible medical expenses include:
- Acupuncture
- Alcoholism treatment
- Ambulance
- Artificial limbs
- Autoette/wheelchair
- Bandages
- Breast reconstruction surgery (following mastectomy from cancer)
- Birth control pills
- Braille books and magazines
- Chiropractor
- Crutches
- Diagnostic services
- Disabled dependent medical care
- Drug addiction treatment
- Fertility treatment
- Guide dog
- Hearing aids
- Home care
- Hospital services
- Laboratory fees
- Lead based paint removal
- Maternity care and related services
- Meals for inpatient
- Medical services (i.e. physician, surgeon, etc)
- Menstrual care products (eligible effective December 31, 2019)
- Nursing home
- Nursing services
- Operations
- Organ donor's medical expenses
- Osteopath
- Over-the-counter (OTC) supplies - band aids, birth control, braces & supports, catheters, contact lens supplies & solutions, denture adhesives, diagnostic tests & monitors, elastic bandages & wraps, first aid supplies, insulin & diabetic supplies, ostomy products, reading glasses, walkers & canes
- Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and medicines - Effective December 31, 2019, these are now reimbursable without a prescription
- Oxygen
- Prescription drugs and medicines
- Prosthesis
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychologist
- Special education
- Sterilization
- Stop-smoking programs
- Surgery
- Telephone/television for hearing -impaired
- Therapy
- Transplants
- Transportation for medical care
- Vasectomy
- Weight loss program (specific disease diagnosed by doctor)
- Replacement hair lost due to illness
- X-ray
Eligible dental expenses include:
- Artificial teeth
- Dental treatment
Eligible eye care expenses include:
- Eyeglasses
- Contact lenses
- Prescription sunglasses
- Eye examinations
- Eye surgery (for example, LASIK)
- Optometrist
Ineligible expenses include:
- Controlled substances without a prescription
- Cosmetic surgery
- Dancing lessons
- Diaper services
- Electrolysis or hair removal
- Funeral expenses
- Hair transplant
- Health club dues
- Health coverage tax credit
- Household help
- Illegal operations and treatment
- Insurance premiums
- Maternity clothes
- Medicare B and D premiums
- Nutritional supplements
- Personal use items
- Swimming lessons
- Teeth whitening
- Veterinary fees
- Weight loss program not part of specific disease treatment