An excellent way to save for retirement and reduce current tax liability is to contribute part of your salary to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. At Dickinson, employees can contribute dollars, before taxes, to plans administered by TIAA and/or Fidelity.
CONTRIBUTION LIMITS FOR 403(b) PLANS - The contribution limit increases from $22,500 to $23,000 for calendar year 2024.
CATCH UP DEFERRALS - Employees age 50 and older can save an additional $7,500, through a catch-up provision, bringing the limit up to $30,500 for calendar year 2024. These additional contributions are available to any eligible employee based solely on age, regardless of past contributions or length of service.
EMPLOYEES WITH 15 OR MORE YEARS OF SERVICE - If you have more than 15 years of consecutive service at Dickinson, you MAY BE eligible to contribute an additional $3,000. The rule that caps this $3,000 at a lifetime contribution of $15,000 does still apply. If you have used the "15-Year Rule" or you have contributed a substantial percentage in the past, you may not have the full $3,000 available. Please contact Michelle Spencer in Human Resource Services to learn more about this opportunity.
These retirement contribution limits from the federal government are based on the calendar year. Even though the normal flexcomp election cycle at Dickinson occurs on a fiscal year (July - June) basis, you can make a change to your retirement contributions once a quarter if you choose to do so.
Updates may be made directly by employees via Banner Self-Service. Please following the below instructions. Questions may be directed to Human Resource Services.
Log into the Gateway ()
- Click on the SSB icon
- Click on Employee Dashboard
- Navigate to the Benefits section
- Click on Current Enrollment
- Click on Retirement Plans
To update an existing amount:
- Find the desired retirement amount and click on the Update link directly below it
- The Effective Date of Change must be after your last paid date which is listed, must be in the correct format (MM/DD/YYYY), and should start in 2024. Example would be: 01/01/2024
- Enter a Per Pay Deduction Amount
- Click on the Submit Changes button
- Log Out
To delete/end an existing amount:
- Find the desired retirement amount and click on the Update link directly below it
- Change the Status to Inactive
- The Effective Date of Change should be ON or AFTER your last paid date which is listed and must be in the correct format (MM/DD/YYYY). The deduction will be canceled for the pay period in which your effective date falls Example would be: 12/31/2023
- Click on the Submit Changes button
- Log Out
To add a new retirement account:
- Select the button at the bottom - Add a New Benefit or Deduction
- Make your election by using the radio buttons on the right hand side
- Click on the Select Benefit button at the bottom
- The Effective Date of Change must be after your last paid date which is listed (example: 01/01/2024), must be in the correct format (MM/DD/YYYY), and should start in 2024
- Enter a Per Pay Deduction Amount
- Click on the Submit Changes button at the bottom
- f you click on the Retirement Plans link again, you should see your new deduction listed
- Log Out
You may also contact Human Resource Services for a retirement form or use our on-line form.
Although the information on the Human Resource Services web pages is kept as accurate as possible, it is for information purposes only and is subject to change at any time. The official documents and policies are maintained in the Human Resource Services office.