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Environmental Health and Safety

Lab Safety Videos

Title Organization Length Description
Dow Chemical   Extensive series of videos covering nearly every aspect of laboratory safety.  Beta version.
RSC   (PDF Slides)


CSB 0:24:05 The Chemical Safety Board review of academic safety issues, focusing on events at Texas Tech, Dartmouth, and UCLA. A fairly comprehensive overview of the safety challenges at university laboratories.


This introductory program covers essential topics on laboratory safety applicable to a wide range of laboratories. This course is a 2 hour flash audio and video presentation
UCSD 0:08:47 UC-San Diego lab students demonstrate safe procedures, and provide straight-forward recommendations for safety in the laboratory. Good introductory-level video.
UCSD 0:09:09 Interaction between a PI and his students, with a focus on safe chemistry. A little more focus on some specific chemical reactions than other introductory videos.
Florida State University 0:06:52 Eccentric old professor reminisces about a particularly unsafe previous student. Amusing, but doesn't present a particularly believable set of scenarios.
US Department of Defense 0:20:28 DOD produced presentation focusing on medical/hospital lab safety. Good overview specific to laboratories dealing with potentially infectious materials, radiation, and chemical hazards. Straight narration with annoying background music.
? 0:07:07 A light-hearted look at some of the simple things that can go wrong in the laboratory.
HHMI (LSI YouTube channel) 0:16:26  
HHMI (LSI YouTube channel) 0:09:27  
U Minnesota 0:02:00  
U Minnesota 0:02:13  
Iowa State 0:03:35  
UCLA 0:01:32  
U Minnesota 0:02:13  

Chemical Storage

HHMI (LSI YouTube channel) 0:11:17  

Chemical Transportation

Cornell 0:03:07  
Cornell 0:00:41  

Skin Exposure & Effects

Northwestern 0:03:51  

General Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

UCSD 0:01:05  
UCSD 0:05:27  
Cornell 0:02:34  
Cornell 0:01:32  

Lab Coats

Northwestern 0:02:37 Effective demonstration of flammability of lab coats which are not flame resistant.
Northwestern 0:04:29 Triflic acid
UCSD 0:02:09 Trifluoracetic acid burn


UC Berkeley 0:02:08 Effective demonstration of the proper use of an eyewash station for a splash accident.
UCSD 0:01:33 Short but effective demonstration on the value of wearing protective eyeware.
ACS - CCS 0:08:08 The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety narrated PowerPoint on eye protection. The graphics show the different coverages provided by various eyeware.
UCSD 0:01:00  


Keene State 0:04:02  
UC Berkeley 0:01:52 Where NOT to wear your laboratory gloves.
Lu Le Laboratory 0:02:37 The first minute of this video shows the result of spilling nitric acid on a latex glove
Iowa State 0:00:12  
Cornell 0:00:38  
Northwestern 0:08:30 Just animation, no audio


UCLA 0:02:50  
HHMI (LSI YouTube channel) 0:10:04  


UCLA 0:12:03  

Fume Hoods & Biosafety Cabinets

Labconco 0:03:18 Video focuses on airflow in a hood, proper placement of apparatus, and sash height.
Dartmouth 0:07:51 Animated overview of fundamental aspects of lab hood operation.
UC Berkeley 0:03:38 Brief but thorough review of safe operation of a laboratory hood.
Cornell 0:10:30  
Cornell 0:04:29  
Northwestern 0:05:17  


NIH, Dartmouth 0:09:26 Presents a detailed animated review of safe operation of an autoclave to decontaminate potentially infectious materials.

Pressure Vessels

Northwestern 0:07:45  

Compressed Gases

Northwestern 0:02:40  
Cornell 0:01:46  

Liquid Nitrogen

Northwestern 0:16:54 Well done demonstration of proper connection and hazards associated with gas cylinder regulators.


Northwestern & Dartmouth 0:21:06  
UCLA 0:11:06  

Alkali Metals

CS Chemists 0:02:21  

Flash Chromatography

UCSD 0:07:23 UCSB students discuss, plan and demonstrate safe flash chromatography techniques. Well produced.


HHMI (LSI YouTube channel) 0:08:26 It's a little dated (1995), but still the best video out there on safe centrifuge operation.

Hazardous Waste

UCLA 0:11:10  
Northwestern 0:03:16  
UIUC 0:03:38  
Northwestern 0:04:16 Mostly focuses on mixing with organics but also mentions aqua regia
Northwestern 0:02:57  
Northwestern 0:07:31  


UC Berkeley 0:05:13 Demonstration of how to clean up a very small mercury spill. Not practical for more than one broken thermometer, but thorough for that size spill.
Iowa State 0:02:41  
Northwestern 0:05:07  
Northwestern 0:04:44  
Northwestern 0:06:22