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Sigma Delta Pi Induction Ceremony 2018

Student Awards

Fox Martinez-Vidal Citizenship Award

Enrique Martinez-Vidal, c. 1980 Arturo Fox, c. 1985

Fox Martinez-Vidal Citizenship Award: The Award will be granted by the Department to a graduating senior who has majored in Spanish. The award recognizes committed leadership in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese through active participation in Department events, activities, and initiatives. In order to be eligible, the student will have to be a member of Sigma Delta Pi.

The most recent recipients of the Fox Martínez-Vidal Award in Spanish:

2017: Pamela Lohmuller

Margaret McAlpin Ramos Award in Spanish

Headshot of the Dickinson Modern Languages professor Margaret Ramos, circa 1966.

The Margaret McAlpin Ramos Award in Spanish was established through a gift from the estate of Margaret M. Ramos, who was a professor of Modern Languages at Dickinson from 1950 to 1966.  It is awarded to a junior or senior student who demonstrates excellence in Spanish.

The most recent recipients of the Margaret McAlpin Ramos Award in Spanish:

2017: Delphine Dall'Agata

2016: Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson

2015: Caryn Sennett

2014: Carrie Anna Ovensen Vereide 

2013: Sarah Kendrick Young

2012: Kathleen Anne Dollard

2011: Gilbert Bonafe

2010: Marlena Karin Meikrantz