Faculty Personnel Committee


  • It shall advise the provost and dean of the college and the president of the college on the following personnel matters regarding faculty: authorization for recruitment, term appointments, promotion, tenure, salary, sabbatical and other leaves, reduced teaching loads, continuation of appointments beyond normal retirement, early retirement, and assignment of faculty to administrative duties. Candidates for initial appointment at the associate professor and professor levels shall be interviewed by the committee. 
  • To ensure faculty participation in the selection of major administrators, when duly constituted search committees including faculty members have not participated in the selection process, the committee shall offer advice to the president, or to the Board of Trustees in case the selection is of a president. 
  • It shall advise regarding appointment of department chairs and coordinators, and on all nominations for national fellowships or awards. 
  • It shall advise on other personnel matters which the president or provost and dean may choose to present to the committee.

