19th annual McAndrews Fund for Athletics Golf Tournament

More than 100 golfers teed off Saturday, June 10, at Mayapple Golf Course for the 19th annual McAndrews Fund for Athletics Golf Tournament, raising funds for the McAndrews Fund for Athletics. Part of Alumni Weekend, the golf tournament helps to provide funding for spring training, service trips, new uniforms, coach and athlete recruitment and much more.


Pot of Gold Winner: Darwin Breaux 
Longest Drive (Men's):  Matthew Walters ‘08
Longest Drive (Women's): Alexandra Sipe ‘10
Closest to the Pin:  Bill Schantzenbach ‘63
First Place Foursome: Kaylor Kowash P’18, Ryan Kowash ’18, Steve Hoefer P’17, Stephen Hoefer ‘17
Second Place Foursome: Gregg Chudacoff P’18, P’21, Jonathan Chudacoff ’18, Brian Chudacoff ’21, Craig Hanson
Third Place Foursome: Keith Bolles ’13, Matthew Tuneski ’12, Scott Sullivan ’12, Andrew Sterling ‘12