Deadline to Submit Curricular Changes for Academic Year 2025-2026
The deadline to submit curricular changes to APSC for Academic Year 2025-26, including changes to majors, etc., is Monday, January 28, 2025. APSC must take these items to the March faculty meeting to secure approval. Additional information is available on the APSC Curriculum Revisions webpage.
Displayed through Tuesday, December 31, 2024» More Information
End-of-Semester Transcript Printing
Students can request transcripts until noon, on December 19, 2024. Printing of transcripts with Fall grades will resume on Thursday, January 16, 2025. NOTE: All transcript holds must be cleared by the student before his/her transcript can be produced.
Displayed through Monday, January 20, 2025Contact:
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Campus Alert
Server Maintenance
Server maintenance will occur on Sunday morning, January 5, 2025, which will impact the availability of Banner Admin and SSB. This maintenance will be concluded by noon.
Displayed through Sunday, January 5, 2025Contact:
General Announcements
Winter Break Radon Testing
To ensure the safety of our Dickinson community, over winter break the Department of Compliance & Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) will be conducting routine radon testing in compliance with its prescribed testing strategy. These tests, occurring in select locations based on the multi-year test schedule use activated charcoal, are minimally disruptive and passive in nature, and will be left exposed for roughly 72 hours then promptly collected by the college’s external environmental technician. Signage will accompany each test canister with contact information if you have any questions. We ask that you do not disturb these canisters in any way as doing so may invalidate the test. If testing confirms the presence of radon levels greater than the EPA's recommended level, the ERM team will determine whether immediate mitigation or further testing is warranted.
During this time, ERM personnel will also be conducting inspections of the existing radon mitigation systems installed across campus to ensure their operation and identify any corrective actions prior to the scheduled testing.
More information about radon measurement and mitigation is available on the Department of Compliance & Enterprise Risk Management’s website.
Displayed through Monday, December 30, 2024Contact:
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Save the date: Town Meeting
The Town Meeting gives each of us, as important members of this community, the opportunity to share a wide variety of information. President Jones and members of senior staff will share important campus updates. All staff are encouraged to attend the meeting on Friday, Jan. 17, beginning at 1:30 p.m. in ATS.
Displayed through Friday, January 3, 2025Contact:
Professional Development and Wellness
New R&D Deadlines for Summer 2025 Projects
Before the winter break, R&D would like to inform faculty of several upcoming proposal deadlines. (Please note that these deadlines have changed from previous years.)
January 31, 2025
• Study Group proposals for Summer 2025
• Projects (Scholarly or Creative, or Teaching ) for Summer 2025
February 14, 2025
• Collaborative Student-Faculty Research projects for Summer 2025
• Dana Research Assistantships for Summer 2025
There is an online application system for the submission of all proposal information. Reminder: R&D cannot consider proposals from those who owe reports on past awards.
R&D Awards for Publications, Professional Development, Sabbatical Support, and Travel to Present are awarded on a rolling basis.
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