ࡱ> m  bjbj 8p;j;j: : }V"!p" CVEVEVEVEVEVEVXx[EVEVZV.CVCVN#M;TrQd Q0/VpV0V;Q>\HX>\`;T;T>\TtEVEVXV>\: Y : PROPOSAL FOR A NEW COURSE Before the department chair submits this form, first consult with any approvers for courses that will fulfill a graduation requirement (see #9), the library (see #14), academic technology (see #15), and/or review board/committee (see #16). Please provide the following information to help the Academic Program and Standards Committee evaluate the proposed new course. Course number and title: Course description as it would appear in the Academic Bulletin and on the Web. (If the course has a lab, please indicate total number of hours per week.): A list of the major student learning outcomes (typically 3-5) for this course as they will be stated on the syllabus. Students will be able to Describe the evidence you will use to determine if the learning outcomes are met: Prerequisites: Priorities during Course Request: Faculty who will teach the course: Course offering frequency: ____ Every semester ____ Every year ____ Every 2 years ____ Other (please describe): Proposed class size: _____ The Academic Bulletin states the following about class sizes. First-year seminars, all foreign language classes, courses on writing, and most upper-class seminars have class enrollments of approximately 15 students. A typical introductory course enrolls 35 students, most intermediate-level courses have 25 to 30 students, and 300-level courses usually enroll 25 students. Most introductory science course lectures enroll classes of 36 to 48 students, with accompanying laboratories for these courses conducted in sections of 18 to 24; others using a workshop approach meet for two hours of integrated lecture and lab for 20 to 25 students, three times a week. Advanced science classes and labs are usually under 25. If you are proposing a capacity that differs from what is detailed above, please address as many of the following questions as applicable. How does the choice of pedagogical approach affect the proposed cap request? What stated student learning outcome(s) would you not be able to achieve without a cap reduction? What faculty workload inequities would be created without a cap reduction? Is the request contingent upon departmental assessment data (such as data that links course caps to unproductive enrollments)? If so, please share that data. Under what circumstances might this request cause obstacles for students in terms of equity and inclusivity? What facilities and equipment needs justify this capacity? All non-major requirements this course will fulfill: ____ Arts ____ Global Diversity* ____ Humanities ____ Quantitative Reasoning* ____ Lab Sciences ____ Sustainability* ____ Social Sciences ____ US Diversity* ____ Writing in the Discipline* *Approval must be confirmed before submitting this form - contact  HYPERLINK "/info/20088/registrar_s_office/456/requirements_and_electives" the appropriate person or group and submit their approval along with this form. Will the course count toward a major, minor, or certificate? If so, what requirement(s) will be fulfilled? Are there any other attributes that should be listed for this course, ie. Service Learning, Appropriate for First Year, etc.? Will the course replace another course(s) currently being offered? Yes / No If yes, does the course to be dropped satisfy any graduation requirements? If yes, is the course to be dropped required by any other departments or programs? Do they support your plan to drop the course? If no, what course currently offered by the faculty member will not be offered when this course is taught? Rationale for adding this course to the curriculum. How does this complement or enhance your programs offerings? How does the course fit into the general curriculum? Describe the support for this course - in the department, within the specific branch of the academic curriculum (Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, Laboratory Sciences), and/or from other departments or programs in related areas. What is your assessment of student interest in the course? New text for the Advising Handbook, if necessary. Library support Has this form has been reviewed by HYPERLINK "mailto:arndtt@dickinson.edu?subject=New%20Course%20Proposal%20Form"Theresa Arndt in the Library prior to submission? Yes / No Other than monographs, what resources from the librarys existing collections will meet the requirements for this course (consider assigned readings and students ability to complete research assignments)? Databases, including primary source collectionsJournal subscriptionsNewspaper or magazine subscriptionsFilms or other audiovisual materialStatistics or data sourcesEncyclopedic materialOther What additional library resources are needed to support this course? Monographs (If more than 20 new titles are needed, attach a bibliography in priority order.)Databases, including primary source collectionsJournal subscriptions (indicate current and/or backfiles)Newspaper or magazines (indicate current and/or backfiles)Films or other audiovisual material Technology Support Has this form been reviewed by James DAnnibale, Director of Academic Technology, prior to submission to verify that the college currently has whats needed or would need to acquire new technology to support the course, if specific technology is needed ie. software, hardware, specialized equipment, etc.? Yes / No / Not Applicable Has approval been obtained from the appropriate committee if the course will employ any of the following prior to submission? Yes / No / Not applicable HYPERLINK "http://www.dickinson.edu/academic/resources/dean/"  ____ Human subjects: contact the  HYPERLINK "/homepage/78/institutional_review_board" Institutional Review Board (IRB) ____ Animal subjects: contact the  HYPERLINK "/homepage/88/institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee" Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ____ Recombinant DNA/potentially infectious agents: contact the  HYPERLINK "/homepage/89/institutional_biosafety_committee" Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Last updated: December 18, 2024 !%+6<=GHI\  ŲŲŦ||||||||p|||p|ppppah`h$hOJQJ^JaJh8WOJQJ^JaJhyHOJQJ^JaJhnhyHOJQJ^JaJhnhnOJQJ^JaJhnOJQJ^JaJ%h8W5B*OJQJ\^JaJph+hnhn5B*OJQJ\^JaJph h`h$hCJOJQJ^JaJ&h`h$h5CJOJQJ\^JaJ& G H I .  08^8gd{ & F 08^8gd{ 0X^Xgd{h^hgd{ & Fh^hgd{^gdSgdu $`a$gdX   5   * ʻ|p`P@Phuh?OJQJ]^JaJhuh$hOJQJ]^JaJhuhmOJQJ]^JaJhmOJQJ^JaJ"huh$h6OJQJ]^JaJ"huh-6OJQJ]^JaJh!h$hOJQJ^JaJh!OJQJ^JaJhSh$hOJQJ^JaJhSOJQJ^JaJh`h$hOJQJ^JaJh`hsN;OJQJ^JaJhsN;OJQJ^JaJ* 4 9 > B C F G H I K L O R  , - . / 0 3 ? 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